Best Free and Open Source Business Intelligence Tools - Tech Buddy

Saturday 6 January 2018

Best Free and Open Source Business Intelligence Tools

In the world top level companies required the growth in the business and required the perfection in business also. Business Intelligence tools common functions are Online analytical processing, Multi users connectivity, Creating gantt charts, Data mining, Process mining, Business performance management, Bench-marking and Analytics. 

Only free and open source business intelligence software are good for those who have not enough budget or have no power of purchasing. Below we mentioned some Opensource and Free BI Software. 

BIRT is an open source business intelligence software that was released in 2004. BIRT use to visualized data and reports. BIRT is indeed the most used open source BI software as depicted from its 12 plus downloads 2.5 million plus developers in whole world. 

BIRT consists of many components but the main component include a report designer and BIRT runtime, Extra components of the BIRT are chart designer, chart engine, and viewer. Through these components to we are easily develop and publish the reports on stand alone basis. 

JAVA based software under the licensed of Eclipse Public, the latest release which can be run on Windows, Linus and Mac. Many qualities and features are available in this software that can be download here and use. 

JS is the one of the best and most popular free tool widely used open source reporting. It is use to handle the lot of production environments and based on community and commercially-supported versions. 

JS community tools available free of cost in the online market, Launched by Tibco in 2014.  This software comprises of many tools, all of which features are unique. 

Jasper Soft provides reporting and analytics that can be embedded into a web or mobile based application on a real time or schedule basis.  

This is another opensource business intelligence software that launched to analyse data reports and providing dashboards facility. If only two users work on this software then good but for more users working you must be paid $10, then it will not be free. 

Zoho reports visually analyze the business data, creating insightful reports and dashboards to make informed business decisions. The impressive feature of the Zoho reports is cloud storage unlimited and with no restrictions regarding the file size. 

Its a free and open source data analytics software company with the offer of several products based on two programs (1) Analytics Platform (2) Cloud Analytics Platform. It consist of those components that required data mining and machine learning. 

Knime is only open platform which provide data analysis that come with more than 1000 modules, with hundreds of ready to run example analyses, its provide integrated set of tools into the software with lengthy selection of algorithms that users choose to incorporate. 

This is only a software which is not easy to use the beginners but its not difficult for those who work on R, Payton or other this type of tools which allows you to perform multivariate analysis and data mining. 

Pentaho Community Edition is the open source BI tool owned by Hitachi, that offer a lot of BI solutions that satisfy the business community needs it can be generate Excel, HTML, and PDF format output. 

They also provide the Enterprise and Community edition but Enterprise edition is not free and open source although the Community edition is free and open source program. If you have the coders on hand, then this is the best choice for your business because Pentaho provide CTools, which helps you to create the caustom dashboard. 

The important features of this software are ETL, Data Mining, Metadata OLAP Analysis, Dashboard, Report Designer, Schema Workbench, Metadata Editor etc. 

Open Source BI Tools list is mentioned below:

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